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Indications: Stress. Arteriosclerosis. Premature aging. Arthritis, diabetes. Hypertension and malignancy. As an aphrodisiac.
Anti-stress and revitalizing supplement It is a herbal health supplement which works as a stress buster and enhances physical and mental performance. Useful in Stress, Arthritis, Asthma, Brochiectasis.
Indications: Management of symptoms during menopausal transition (cessation of menses). Evanova is a safe and effective formulation that provides maximum relief from the multiple menopause symptoms.
Indications: Male Functional Infertility. Low sperm count. Reduced sperm motility. Defective sperm shape and size. ADDYZOA supports spermatogenesis (the process of sperm formation) by maintaining the functions of male reproductive organs and improving the hormonal levels of testosterone. ADDYZOA has multifaceted free radical scavenging action and...
MANOLL is a herbo-mineral potent anti-oxidant, it reinforces resistance against infections and ensures rapid recovery and reduces the convalescence period after a long illness or surgery.
Uses: Parkinson's disease. Multiple sclerosis. Thyroid. Anti cancer agent. Anti-oxidant. Anti Stress. Increases Stamina.