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Uses: Plantar fascitis Metatarsalgia Rheumatic problems Heel knee and back pain.
This is an ayurvedic blend of ingredients known to have detox as well as beneficial effects on the digestive tract without the drawbacks associated with synthetic drug use. It works along the gut to allow thorough elimination of unabsorbed residues and assures normal peristalsis (gut muscle contractions).
Leptaden is made of herbal ingredients that can be used for lactation, incases where women are deficient or unable to produce breast milk. It has also shown to be of use in women who have high risk pregnancies to support the womb and the foetus.
Indications: Leucorrhoea, Back-ache, Cervicitis, Endomettritis, Pruritis, Vulvae, Pelvic inflammatory diseases, Dysuria, associated sterility.
Indications: Stress, Strain, Mental anxiety, Emotional disturbances, Nervous and psychogenic head-ache, Sexual neurosis, Neurotic depression. In children for convulsions, Hyperkinesis, Mental deficiency, Enuresis. In Females Menopausal mental syndrome, puerperal insanity. In Aged Mental symptoms of psychosis due to cerebral arterial sclerosis such as...
Indications: Rheumatoid and Rheumatic arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Arthritis in Filariasis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Frozen shoulder, Scantica, Fibrositis, Lumbago, Gout, Chronic back-ache. All inflammatory conditions (Skeleto-muscular, Neuro-muscular), Stiffness, Body aches, etc.
Uses For Skin pigmentation. For pimples. For sunburns. For uneven tone For restoring of skin’s natural beauty.
Indications: Prophylactic. To build body defence system. Seasonal outbreaks of infective diseases e.g. influenza, typhoid or malaria. As an adjuvant with antimicrobial therapy, particularly respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections. As monotherapy in PUO (Pyrexia of unknown origin). Extrammune, an herbal formulation fortified with...
Indications: Loss of appetite, general debility & convalescence after illness or surgery.
Uses: Reduction of crow's feet wrinkles. Reduction of forehead wrinkles. Reduction of under eye.