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Indications: This medication is used to treat constipation. It increases the bulk in your stool. It effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines. It also works by increasing the amount of water in the stool & making the stool softer and easier to pass. Psyllium, one type of bulk-forming laxative, has also been used along with a proper diet to...
Indication: Gonorrhoea. Renal calculi. Culvitis. Fever. Burning micturition. Leucorrhoea.
Indications: Remove Acidity. Remove digestion disorder. Remove Constipation. Removes gas.
Indications: Khadiradi vati (mukharoga) is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Mukha paka (Stomatitis). Danta roga (Disease related to teeth). Dantasausirya (Dental stomatitis). Danta krmi (Carious tooth / dental caries). Gala roga (Disease of throat).
Indications: Lasunadi vati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Visucika (Cholera) Ajirna (Dyspepsia or indigestion) Atisara (Diarrhea or loose bowels)
Indications: Lavangadi vati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Kasa (Cough). Svasa (Dyspnoea).
Indications: Colic Fever. General debility.
Indication: Tonic for heart & lungs. General debility mental weakness. Vertigo.
Indication: Acts as carminative, stomachic. Indicated in indigestion and intestinal colic.
Indication: Help to give sound sleep. Also relieves the problems due to disturbed sleep like headache, imitation, fatique etc. Help to reduce snoring.
Uses: COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease). Boosting Immunity. Powerful anti-oxident.
Uses: In Liver problems such as Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Hepatitis, Gallbladder disorder. Controls blood sugar level. Controls Cholesterol level.