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Stroke patients Paraplegia.Quadriplegia.Old age patients.Handicapped/disable persons.Lower limb illness/injury.
WHEN TO USE: Radial nerve palsy and wrist drop. Posterior introsseous nerve palsy. Mobilization exercise of fingers and wrist. For physiotherapy after extensor tendon repair.
Uses: Chronic low back pain or strainMuscular imbalances in the lumbar spine area Spinal conditions. (e.g. osteochondrosis / spondylosis / facet syndrome / slipped disc). Osteoporosis Post surgical lumbo-sacral immobilization.
Uses: Acute low back pain(lumbago), Support to injured lumbosacral spine, Irritation of the sacroiliac joint, Post surgical lumbo-sacral immobilization.
Uses: Cervical spondylitis. Hyperextension of the cervical region.
Uses: Supports wrist in anatomical position. Strain or sprain of wrist muscles. Post plaster cast removal.
Uses: Post traumatic soft tissue injury. Sprains & strains Acute and chronic wrist pain Swelling of the wrist. Osteoarthristis. Tendinopathies.
Uses: Reduce swelling from elbow joint. Protects joint from further injury. Provide compression to elbow joint.
Uses: Cervical spine. Low back pain cases. Cardiac patients. Supports the neck and relaxes the neck muscles and ligament. Contoured cervical pillow for patients suffering from cervical spondylosis.
Uses: By providing proper neck support, cervical pillows can help with: Neck muscle and joint strains and sprains. Tension headaches. Whiplash injuries. Arthritis. Morning hand stiffness and swelling. Temporomandibular disorders. Stiffness. Snoring (in some cases)