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Uses: Asthma. Allergies. Respiratory disorders. Very powerful & reliable piston type compressor nebulizer especially for professional & intensive use. Powerful compressor and matched nebulizer kit, ensures medication is atomized into fine particles faster reaching respiratory tracts more effectively and resulting in a better medication compliance.
Uses: To measure body temperature. For oral, rectal and underarm temperature measurement.
Suitable for: Incontinent patient's home care taking. Post-maternity & after surgery use.Hospital & nursing home care taking.Also suitable for light discharges.
Uses: Use on feet for Removing Hard / rough, Cracked and dry Skin.
Uses: Indications for nebuliser use include the management of exacerbations and long-term treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), management of cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, HIV/AIDS and symptomatic relief in palliative care.
Uses: Keeping a wound covered until it heals can prevent a scab from forming, thereby minimizing chances of scarring. Has less chance of infection. Bandages help prevent exposure to water, dirt, and germs. Gets superior protection. Bandages provide extra cushioning for added comfort and protection from re-injury until the wound is completely healed.
Uses: Keeping a wound covered until it heals can prevent a scab from forming, thereby minimizing chances of scarring. Has less chance of infection. Bandages help prevent exposure to water, dirt, and germs. Gets superior protection. Bandages provide extra cushioning for added comfort and protection from re-injury until the wound is completely healed.
Uses: White balm with more powerful ingredients, ensures speedy relief from intensive and chronic headaches and body aches.