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Indications: It is useful in treating Worm Infestations. It expels Intestinal worms and helps to give relief in associated symptoms like Stomachache, Loss of Appetite.
Indications: Leprosy. Fever. Edema. Obesity. Jaundice. Hepatic disorders. Lack of Appetite. Indigestion. Irregular bowls. Liver disorders. Skin diseases. Dyspepsia. Constipation. Anaemia. Congestion of liver. Enlargement of spleen.
Indications: Brahmi Bati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Loss of concentration. Mental stress. Strain.
Indication: Haematosis. Hemotysis haemorrhages. Haematuria. Urinary infections.
Indication: Antacid, Stomachic & Carminative. Used in dyspepsia, colic, gas troubles & tympanites.
Indications: Remove Acidity. Remove digestion disorder. Remove Constipation. Removes gas.
Indications: Khadiradi vati (mukharoga) is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Mukha paka (Stomatitis). Danta roga (Disease related to teeth). Dantasausirya (Dental stomatitis). Danta krmi (Carious tooth / dental caries). Gala roga (Disease of throat).
Indications: Lasunadi vati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Visucika (Cholera) Ajirna (Dyspepsia or indigestion) Atisara (Diarrhea or loose bowels)
Indications: Lavangadi vati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Kasa (Cough). Svasa (Dyspnoea).
Indications: Colic Fever. General debility.
Indication: Tonic for heart & lungs. General debility mental weakness. Vertigo.
Indication: Acts as carminative, stomachic. Indicated in indigestion and intestinal colic.