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Indications: Premature ejaculation. Neo is safe and effective alternative to prolong ejaculation time and sustain men’s pleasure.
Indications: Urinary calculi. Renal colic. Dysuria associated with renal calculi. CALCURY facilitates the passage of urinary calculi by diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Indications: Occasional or habitual constipation. REGULAX FORTE relieves the gastric discomfort and ensures smooth evacuation.
Indication: Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Piles.
Indications: Menorrhagia. Irregular menses leucorrhoea. Prolapse of uterus. Anaemia. Strengthens uterus muscles.
Indications: Arjunarishta is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Hrdaya daurbalyata (Heart weakness). Arjunarishta is an excellent cardio-tonic and improves the efficiency of the heart.
Indications for use of Baidyanath Drakshasava: Excellent ayurvedic Tonic acts as a booster to give energy and strength to the body. Indicated in anaemia, loss of appetite, debility etc. helps to maintain vitality and stamina. Therapeutic uses of Baidyanath Drakshasava: Acts as a stimulant, antipyretic, diuretic, appetiser, digestive. Indicated in piles,...
Indications for use of Baidyanath Ashwagandharishta: Helps to relieve the problems realated with stress and strain like headache, irritation, weak concentration etc. Helps to maintain vitality, stamina and to boost immunity. Therapeutic uses of Baidyanath Ashwagandharishta: Acts as a nervine tonic. Indicated in nervous debility, certain mental...
Indications: Menorrhagia Irregular menses leucorrhoea Prolapse of uterus Anaemia Strengthens uterus muscles Ashokarishta contains properties of our valuable herbs like khus, munnaka, lodhrachhal, Nagkeshar etc
This ayurvedic medicine is prepared from purified iron. As a tonic it is shown to be beneficial in anaemia, jaundice, chronic liver fever, loss of appetite, as an expectorant and in an enlarged spleen. This product contains a blend of ingredients: Lodhra, Kanchur, Pushkarmool, Ela, Murava, Vidaga, Triphala, Ajwain, Chavya, Chitrak, Indraya, Kutki,...
Indication: Diuretic. Alterative. Haematinic.
Indications: Dementia. Epilepsy. Hysteria. Diminished memory. Late Menarch. Dysmenorrhoea. Insomnia. Anxiety. Stammering.