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Himalaya's Tentex Royal Tablets enhances desire and improves performance. It manages erectile dysfunction and improves sexual desire, performance and weakness.
Is made of all natural products that contribute to uterine care. This works in restoring balance to hormones, regulating oestrogen levels, improving fertility and also have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.
Is made of all natural products that contribute to uterine care. This works in restoring balance to hormones, regulating oestrogen levels, improving fertility and also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Indications: As a daily health tonic. Occupational stress. Age-related debility. Stress-related anxiety. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As an adjuvant during prolonged illness and postoperative convalescence.
Himcolin gel has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that strengthens erectile power and improve sexual potency. It is a sought after product in men's health for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Indications: Leprosy. Fever. Edema. Obesity. Jaundice. Hepatic disorders. Lack of Appetite. Indigestion. Irregular bowls. Liver disorders. Skin diseases. Dyspepsia. Constipation. Anaemia. Congestion of liver. Enlargement of spleen.
Indications: Brahmi Bati is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Loss of concentration. Mental stress. Strain.
Indications: Colic Fever. General debility.
Indication: Tonic for heart & lungs. General debility mental weakness. Vertigo.
Uses: COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease). Boosting Immunity. Powerful anti-oxident.
Indications: Prophylactic. To build body defence system. Seasonal outbreaks of infective diseases e.g. influenza, typhoid or malaria. As an adjuvant with antimicrobial therapy, particularly respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections. As monotherapy in PUO (Pyrexia of unknown origin). Extrammune, an herbal formulation fortified with...
Indications: Vitiligo. Acquired white patches. PIGMENTO is a comprehensive therapy in vitiligo. Immunological attack on the melanocytes and free radical damage are considered to be the cause of vitiligo. Stimulates melanogenesis. Promotes transfer of melanin to the skin. Helps in Conjunction with UV therapy.