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Indications: Relieves stress & low energy. Supports the immune system. Provides increased energy.
MANOLL is a herbo-mineral potent anti-oxidant, it reinforces resistance against infections and ensures rapid recovery and reduces the convalescence period after a long illness or surgery.
Indications: Prophylactic. To build body defence system. Seasonal outbreaks of infective diseases e.g. influenza, typhoid or malaria. As an adjuvant with antimicrobial therapy, particularly respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections. As monotherapy in PUO (Pyrexia of unknown origin). Extrammune, an herbal formulation fortified with...
Indications: Loss of appetite, general debility & convalescence after illness or surgery.
Uses: Digestive Problems. loss of appetite. stomach upset. Constipation. Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis).
Indications: Weight management. Bronchiectasis. Asthma.
Uses: Reinforces the immune system and helps fight disease. Totally chemical-free, natural and safe. Strengthens your body's internal defense mechanism with anti-oxidant properties.
Uses: Antioxidants. Electrolytes. So much more than Vitamin-C is a super delicious effervescent drink mix, containing over 25 nutrients to get you going. Ener-C is the Essential C that uses mineral ascorbates for improved bioavailability
Indications: Migraine. Tension headache. Sinusitis. Cephagraine provides effective relief of nasal congestion and promotes easy breathing in sinusitis. In migraine, Cephagraine provides an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action & thereby relieves associated headache and pain.